
Initial Research Pathways

  Initial research pathways: Used gAI, ChatGPT to research on the different technologies of resin 3D printing. The 3 main technology used are as follows Stereolithography (SLA) Digital Light Processing (DLP) Masked Stereolithography (mSLA) Looked up on Google Scholar for more information on stereolithography Decided to focus on Low Force Stereolithography (LFS), which is a successor to the Masked Stereolithography (mSLA). We will be looking in the perspective of an aspiring small business Looked at different industrial models of mSLA 3D printers and chose the Formlabs Form 3L as it was the most popular model in the industry Low Force Stereolithography (LFS) is an advanced form of stereolithography that minimizes tanks and a Light Processing Unit (LPU) to achieve precise layer curing with reduced peel forces. The key benefits of LFS include improved surface quality, higher accuracy, and the ability to print complex geometries with minimal support structures. This makes LFS particularly

A Self-Introduction Email to Professor Brad

Subject: An introduction for the trimester Dear Prof. Brad Franklin Blackstone, I am Er Zhi Xian, a student of yours and also a freshman currently studying mechanical engineering in the Singapore Institute of Technology. I am reaching out to provide a more substantial introduction of myself to you. Formerly studying aeronautical engineering in SP, my initial fascination of aircrafts has morphed into a broader interest in consumer products and industrial machinery development. This change was largely influenced by my final year project, which served as a catalyst in shaping my current interest and workstyle. Believing that with more information comes better understanding when communicating, expressing my thoughts without fearing the extent of criticism has always been my strong suit. In groups, I would rarely hesitate in providing constructive feedback and would always encourage my teammates to reciprocate. For instance, during the aforementioned final year project, we were tasked in pr

Interpretation of quote:

 “Communication skills are an essential component in the education of engineering students to facilitate not just students’ education but also to prepare them for their future careers.” Having read the quote, here is my interpretation: Certain knowledge and experiences learnt from the classroom does not necessarily translate to its use case outside. However, it highlights the fact that communication skills honed from the classroom is not just something that is useful as a self-development tool for students within a controlled academic setting, but also valuable beyond the boundaries of academia. Therefore, it seeks to enhance the importance of sharpening communication. This is ever-present having briefly entered the engineering industry, where issues arise from inadequate communication such as poor choice of words, leading to avoidable misunderstandings.